Its not even been an year for Mamta Banerjee in West Bengal and she has successfully emerged as a politician who does not want to listen to others. She has an image of a stubborn politician. If she had really cared for her image, she would have never let the police arrest the professor Ambikesh Mahapatra of Jadavpur University. The arrest for made for allegedly defaming Mamta Banerjee through a carton shared on Facebook. The cartoon of course made fun of Mamta but declaring that it was hurting sentiments is not valid. These blatant act of authoritarianism actually mock at the constitutional values and freedoms and deserve to be condemned.
Does that means that anything that now needs to be published in West Bengal needs to be interesting for Mamta and her supporters? I ask this because a few days back Mamta's decision o purge the public library system of many newspapers shows a contempt of democratic values. Freedom to read different views and then analyzing and accepting the best view is the will of an individual. It cannot be forced. The arrest of the professor is an example of skewed police will and command. This reflects authoritarianism and misuse of power. School books have been removed of Karl Marx.
This action will promote other politicians to kill media's freedom. These unethical measures to control the media and forcing a self-censorship have begun the era of direct assaults on free speech in West Bengal. This demands a strong response from democratic forces.
This action will promote other politicians to kill media's freedom. These unethical measures to control the media and forcing a self-censorship have begun the era of direct assaults on free speech in West Bengal. This demands a strong response from democratic forces.