Satyamev Jayate produced by Aamir Khan has stunned the nation with the naked truth of Indian high class society. The program was a 1:30 hr of unbearable truth for many. The main idea was to face the ugly face of our society, topics which are known but are hardly chatted. The topic was of female foeticide in India. The greed to have a male child was never bigger according to the facts stated. The victim ladies shared their heart-stopping and shocking miseries. The audience at the show were amazed to see a lady who had been a victim of female foeticide 6 times. The facts presented by Aamir Khan were astonishing and shameful. According to a research by a journalist this heinous crime was mostly committed in the so called urban cities of modern India cancelling the myth that it is mostly committed in the rural areas of Punjab and Rajasthan.
The current man to women figure in India is 1000 to 914 and is on a continuous decline. According to the analysis there will be 2 crore unmarried men who will not find a bride to tie the knot. Amazing facts as women being sold for 10K INR in Rajasthan and Punjab was another embarrassing figure for everyone. The women were trafficked from West Bengal, Karnataka (Belgaom), Uttar Pradesh and other poor areas. Even the high class, well to do and the educated were in this list. These people are all around us said a journalist at the show.
Aamir also lend his support to a couple of journalist who exposed 140 doctors involved in female foeticide and were never punished for their crime. Instead the journalists have to go to different courts for their cases filed by these accused doctors. Doctors have been involved in exposing the female through ultrasound and then aborting them for money. However not even 1 doctor in the history of India has been cancelled of his license. Ultrasound machine are expensive but doctors can own them through installments and earn through this ugly crime said a veteran doctor at the show. The government has not shown seriousness towards this problem and the problem has now aggravated.
There were a group of men from Kurukshetra Haryana who were 35 and looking for a girl to marry but there were none in their village. There is now a scarcity and trade of women in the country.The 1st episode of Satyamev Jayate brought tears into eyes of many. The sunday slot of 11 am has also been helpful for everyone to watch the show.
Aamir pledged all viewers to support this great cause by writing,donation and through sms. Anyone can send ‘Y to 5782711’ via text if they support the cause and demand justice. Aamir told that the SMS costed Rs 1 and money would go to Reliance Foundation. Click here to go to Satyamev Jayate website.
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